Ratafía de Magnolias Mina

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28 %
Quick Overview

Ratafia Mina de Magnòlies es la primera ratafia embotellada de magnolias recogidas a mano en Bellmunt del Priorat que se elabora mediante una receta no escrita que ha ido pasando de generación en generación. Ratafia elegante con toques amargos, de entrada muy fresca y balsámica.

Ratafia Mina de Magnòlies is the first bottled ratafia of magnolias manually collected in Bellmunt del Priorat. It's made using an unwritten recipe that has been passed down from generation to generation. It's an elegant ratafia with bitter dabs, and fresh and balsamic entry. Let yourself be surprised and enjoy it.

Ratafia Mina de Magnòlies is the first bottled ratafia of magnolias manually collected in Bellmunt del Priorat. It's made using an unwritten recipe that has been passed down from generation to generation and only three old women fom the town know (Maria, Carme and Teresa). The recipe has recovered thanks to them. 

Light, intense and bright cooper color with gold reflections. On the nose, it's really intense and floral with fragant notes that stand out of magnolia, elderberry and orange tree. It has a fresh and balsamic entry. It's an elegant ratafia elegante with bitter dabs of green walnuts and soft spices. It's rather dry with not much sugar.

Maceration of the magnolia fresh petals in spirits for 40 days with other balsamic plants. Then, it's sweetened with sugar. The special feature of these flowers is that they only last one day since the petals open and emanate a special perfume. The magnolia petals macerate with elderberry and orange flowers, spices and green walnuts in different demijohns in the sun on the wine cellar patio. The Coupage is made and aged in oak wood barrels.

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Winery / ProducerPriorat B&D Lab (Dosdéus)
Alcohol28 %
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