Bonet Mixed-Flower Honey

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Bonet Honey has been created by two beekeepers brothers, since they were children, located in Riba-Roja de Ebro. They have the hives located in places of high ecological interest, wild vegetation lands far from pesticides, insecticides and pollutants. Nowadays, these places are essential for the bees subsitence. The Bonet brothers collect the honey in a traditional way, an exquisite honey produced by bees.

Organoleptic characteristics:
Medium amber. From 35 to 65mm on the Pfund scale.
Bouquet: Intense Floral.
Taste: Sweet and fruity.

It has a large number of characteristics due to the great botanical diversity that are in these three territories. It's digestive, anti-inflammatory and healing. It's a great food supplement. It prevents anemia and it's reach in minerals. Perfect for breakfast.

They produce honeys of rosemary, thyme, lavender, orange, white heather, holm oak, fir tree, high mountain and mixed-flowers.


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Bonet Mixed-Flower Honey